In English

Want to keep playing while you’re doing the exchange?
Join Sinfis!

What is Sinfis?

Sinfis is the symphony orchestra of the University of Jyväskylä. It was founded in 1993. Most of the players are students and the orchestra’s main purpose is to keep up our skills in a nice and relaxed company. We give ca. 1-2 concerts every semester. The repertoire varies from classical to movie music, musicals and more.

Am I skilled enough to play with you?

We have a lot of players with different skill levels. If you have just started, you won’t be able to play with us, but with basic skills you should be fine. Because the skill level required varies a lot based on our repertoire, you can just come to play with us and see how it goes. Nobody has ever been dismissed from Sinfis because they couldn’t play.

How often do you have rehearsals?

Sinfis has a rehearsal every Monday at 17:00-20:00 p.m. in the room M103 in Musica-building on the main campus. There are usually also 1-2 longer rehearsals that take place during a weekend. We hope that the players attend to rehearsals regularly and let the orchestra’s intendant or conductor know if they can’t come. The concerts are usually held at the end of November or in the beginning of December in the fall semester and at the end of April in the spring semester.

I don’t know any Finnish. Can I still play?

The rehearsals are conducted in Finnish, but don’t worry; other exchange students have played with us and survived! The conductor might be willing to speak English from time to time, but we will at least make sure that you sit next to a person who can interpret what is happening for you. You’ll also get all the important information in English from the intendant.

So how do I join you?

We don’t have any auditions and it doesn’t cost you anything to play with us. To join, you just have to come to one of the first rehearsals with your instrument. You can let the intendant know that you are coming, so we’ll know to take care of you. If you haven’t contacted the intendant beforehand, please make your presence known when you arrive! If you can’t make it to the first rehearsals, you can most likely join us later, too; just send an email to the intendant and ask.

If you have more questions, you can ask the intendant.
His contact information is:

Rita Peltovuoma
